What is Good is Good to Us, Part 1 (TMF:2465)

Peace to Live By: What is Good is Good to Us, Part 1 (TMF:2465) - Daniel Litton
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       I generally stand by the phrase that “I like what I like.” Seems simple, and I think generally speaking, it is true. I have found it to be important to keep this in mind because if I don’t, I could easily start to consider that I want something that really doesn’t match what I know that I like. This could be with food, in considering a lady to ask on a date, or with making a purchase. We call have different preferences when it comes to these things, but I think it is good to know what you usually like. One reason for us to be ‘aware’ inside of ourselves of our individual preferences is because sometimes we can be tempted to go for something because of it seeming to be scarce. What I mean is that we might start to become interested in a person because they are the only person around. We aren’t considering that there is time, and not every moment in life is going to manifest what we want. Sometimes we need to wait for the good that we like to come. Same can be true with making purchases. We can be lead to believe that because only two options are currently available, that we must purchase one of those options.