Consider What Could be Wrong but Isn’t, Part 2 (TMF:2425)

Peace to Live By: Consider What Could be Wrong but Isn’t, Part 2 (TMF:2425) - Daniel Litton
(Tap or right-click link to download two-minute feature)

       The truth is, just as the world goes round and round, because it’s created by God, there is a certain goodness that is always flowing. The Scriptures even tell us that everything holds together in Christ. Yes, God’s goodness, Jesus’ goodness, keeps the world from falling apart. Really, his love is everywhere, and he bestows his love graciously to all. A lot of people don’t realize this. It’s the old saying, “Out of sight, out of mind.” But really, it was never in their sight to begin with. Plus, there are people don’t believe Jesus is holding everything together. They think they are on their own, that there is no Creator, and that it’s up to them to make things happen. But Divine help is always there. So, a good way for us to re-gain our happiness or just increase it even more, is to consider what could be wrong right now but isn’t wrong. What we will find, in doing this exercise, is that there is more right than there is more wrong. Ever think about that?

Consider What Could be Wrong but Isn’t, Part 1 (TMF:2424)

Peace to Live By: Consider What Could be Wrong but Isn’t, Part 1 (TMF:2424) - Daniel Litton
(Tap or right-click link to download two-minute feature)

       What is not so easy to identify in a given day is what could of gone wrong but didn’t. We don’t easily notice what didn’t happen. I mean, stop and think about it. There are so many ways a day can go wrong and of which usually do not happen. A person can oversleep, and then be rushed out to work. An automobile accident could occur going to work or coming home. While at work, a person could make a big mistake. The person could even get fired for it. Upon arriving at home in the evening, someone could find their residence has been robbed, or that there has been a fire. But, in general, all these things usually don’t happen. Yes, we fail to realize the good that is already present. We don’t always need ‘good’ to happen because good is already happening. The truth is, just as the world goes round and round, because it’s created by God, there is a certain goodness that is always flowing. The Scriptures even tell us that everything holds together in Christ. Yes, God’s goodness, Jesus’ goodness, keeps the world from falling apart. Really, his love is everywhere.

Understanding Our Church’s Subculture, Part 3 (TMF:2423)

Peace to Live By: Understanding Our Church’s Subculture, Part 3 (TMF:2423) - Daniel Litton
(Tap or right-click link to download two-minute feature)

       We just need to figure out where we fit in. I mean, think about it. No one wears clothes they disagree with in how they look. People generally don’t go to college and learn about working a career that they don’t like. People don’t marry someone they don’t desire. So, why do people do this when it comes to church? Our happiness is key, and we can only keep this happiness by realizing that some of those who appear outwardly okay are really not on the inside. These may even be people that are widely accepted among other Christians, or churches as a whole. An easy way I found to identify troublesome groups is by how sure they are of what they are saying. “Sounds strange,” you might say. “Surety is bad?” Well, the problem is that the greater the promotion of debatable, individual doctrines, the greater the level of pride. And pride we know is the ultimate sin. It was the first sin that began all sin. We are never closer to the enemy, to Satan himself, than when we are full of pride. So, in view of that, in order to protect our happiness we must distance ourselves from those who are prideful.

Understanding Our Church’s Subculture, Part 2 (TMF:2422)

Peace to Live By: Understanding Our Church’s Subculture, Part 2 (TMF:2422) - Daniel Litton
(Tap or right-click link to download two-minute feature)

       There really is no worse position to be in than to be in a church where you find yourself constantly disagreeing with what is said. That isn’t going to do anybody any good. That’s not going to do you good because you’re constantly miserable, and it’s going to be annoying to others because you’re going to be speaking up against those beliefs probably. Yet, people sit in these types of situations for decades. It is because they haven’t become ‘aware’ of the fact that really the church they are involved with isn’t compatible with them. The solution is not to waste your time and other people’s time. If your internal beliefs are formulated in such a way that is different than what your current church teaches, then why don’t you take the time to go find another church? Why go against the tide constantly as Jesus basically told Paul. Remember, when he approached Paul for the first time? Sometimes we need to realize that it’s okay if we disagree, and that there really isn’t anything wrong with us. We just need to figure out where we fit in. I mean, think about it. No one wears clothes they disagree with in how they look.

Understanding Our Church’s Subculture, Part 1 (TMF:2421)

Peace to Live By: Understanding Our Church’s Subculture, Part 1 (TMF:2421) - Daniel Litton
(Tap or right-click link to download two-minute feature)

       Every church has its own way of going about things. You might not think that would to be case, I mean, after all, aren’t we all Christian? But knowing that there are all kinds of Christian denominations means that there are going to be all kinds of different offerings and perspectives when approaching the Bible. Each church tells its people how they should act, and what they should focus on. Even what a person’s goals should be. And then, of course, what to avoid altogether. Churches teach their people what things are bad. Some things are okay in some churches, while other churches might go so far as to call those things sins. So, there definitely isn’t consistency across the board, not by any stretch. The important thing for us is that we become ‘aware’ of what these positions are, and that we carefully evaluate whether they are aligned with what we really believe inside ourselves. There really is no worse position to be in than to be in a church where you find yourself constantly disagreeing with what is said. That isn’t going to do anybody any good.