Not Frightened by the News, Part 2 (TMF:2460)

Peace to Live By: Not Frightened by the News, Part 2 (TMF:2460) - Daniel Litton
(Tap or right-click link to download two-minute feature)

       For the bad news that there is, there is probably at least a hundred times as many neutral and good things that have happened. The vast majority of the time, things go how there are supposed to go. Use your own life to understand that point. It’s rare your car breaks down, or that you are sick in bed, or hopefully that you get in a big fight with someone. It is rare that your residence has a major problem, that your possessions get stolen, or that things even take a turn for the worse at your workplace. The Bible clearly tells us that what is happening now has already happened in the past, that really, in the final analysis, there is nothing new going on. Remember? That’s what King Solomon has taught us in Ecclesiastes. At times it seems like something new is happening, but really it has already happened in some way, shape, or form. Sure, new technology might be invented, but even that can be similar to what has been in the past. Really, it’s a comforting thought to consider this. It means that God didn’t lose control in the past when bad things were happening back then, and so he’s certainly not going to lose control now when bad things are happening.

Not Frightened by the News, Part 1 (TMF:2459)

Peace to Live By: Not Frightened by the News, Part 1 (TMF:2459) - Daniel Litton
(Tap or right-click link to download two-minute feature)

       With so much bad news in our world, wherever it is coming from, there can be the easy temptation to become downtrodden by it. There can be that temptation to think that really the world is a messed up place, and that everything is going down the tubes. Certainly, messed up things happen. There’s no doubt about that. We need to remember, however, that the news we hear is generally the worst of what has happened, I mean, that’s why it has made the headlines. Or, it involves big names or big organizations. With that in mind, we need to remember that for just as much bad news as there may be, there is much, much more in the world that didn’t go wrong, but things that have gone normal and right. You see, when we are focused on what has gone wrong and what could have gone better, we are only zeroing in on those things. What we often fail to consider in our minds is all the things that are going neutral and right. I mean, think about it. For the bad news that there is, there is probably at least a hundred times as many neutral and good things that have happened. The vast majority of the time, things go how there are supposed to go.

Unnecessary Dependency to Despair, Part 3 (TMF:2458)

Peace to Live By: Unnecessary Dependency to Despair, Part 3 (TMF:2458) - Daniel Litton
(Tap or right-click link to download two-minute feature)

        So, I think it would be better for a person to be not dependent and live by themselves (even if they have less money), and still yet have the sense of hope and success within themselves.  Let’s stop and think about it. I’m going to get a little tuff here, and remember, I’m talking about people here who don’t have to be dependent. How could a person who is, say, 40 years old and still living at home feel happy about their state of life? I just don’t see it. And, I think there are a few people out there who need to hear this message. It would be better for a person to take responsibility for themselves than have bad thoughts flowing through their minds. A person doesn’t have to be married either to be one their own. Even if one’s parents don’t mind the person staying at home, that’s not that point. True happiness can only be present when one is responsible for themselves, for their way of living. And sometimes that means making a big change.

Unnecessary Dependency to Despair, Part 2 (TMF:2457)

Peace to Live By: Unnecessary Dependency to Despair, Part 2 (TMF:2457) - Daniel Litton
(Tap or right-click link to download two-minute feature)

       The longer the dependency goes, the more debilitating it can be to how a person feels. The Apostle Paul talked about this in the New Testament, in that he said a person should not be dependent on anyone. The problem with dependency is that it can lead to despair. That is, the longer one goes in the dependent world, the more one will lose hope of a better future. That’s not good because that feeling over a long period of time could lead someone to not want to continue to live. That’s a very bad place to be in. So, I think it would be better for a person to be not dependent and live by themselves (even if they have less money), and still yet have the sense of hope and success within themselves.  Let’s stop and think about it. I’m going to get a little tuff here, and remember, I’m talking about people here who don’t have to be dependent. How could a person who is, say, 40 years old and still living at home feel happy about their state of life? I just don’t see it.

Unnecessary Dependency to Despair, Part 1 (TMF:2456)

Peace to Live By: Unnecessary Dependency to Despair, Part 1 (TMF:2456) - Daniel Litton
(Tap or right-click link to download two-minute feature)

       One thing that needs to be understood, and is understood by many, is that unnecessary dependency takes away happiness. This is why people move away when college is over, or even a few years later. It’s no fun to be dependent when you don’t need to be. It creates the feeling that perhaps one is not as successful as they should be. It creates the feeling that one is not carrying one’s own load. I think there is a small sense of shame behind it that is often covered up. The truth is, when people are dependent it makes them not feel good about themselves. And while it might be more economically friendly, it probably won’t be that psychologically friendly to one’s mind. That being the case, perhaps being happier and freer is more important than the money one might save. The longer the dependency goes, the more debilitating it can be to how a person feels. The Apostle Paul talked about this in the New Testament, in that he said a person should not be dependent on anyone. The problem with dependency is that it can lead to despair.