Moving Away from Low Vibe People, Part 1 (TMF:2392)

Peace to Live By: Moving Away from Low Vibe People, Part 1 (TMF:2392) - Daniel Litton
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       I am a firm believer that if we are going to live happy, successful lives that one of the things we have to do is eliminate the low vibe people from our lives as much as possible. This is because of what the Bible tells us in that bad company messes up a good person. We might think of bad company as a person who is clearly involved in sin, or clearly involved in things we don’t want to be involved with as a Christian. But, the truth is, bad company can also be people who drag us down energetically. People who are discouragers instead of encouragers. People who have an overly serious way about them, who discourage fun, who value perfectionism and suffering. These are people we want to get away from. You see, the low vibe person is one who is filled with internal problems that haven’t been dealt with. Sometimes a person is aware they are low vibe, but usually they are not aware of it. Some in fact think that the whole Christian life is supposed to be low vibe. They’ll say, “We live in a sinful world. Things are bad. We aren’t supposed to be happy. We are supposed to sacrifice and suffer.”