Moving Away from Low Vibe People, Part 2 (TMF:2393)

Peace to Live By: Moving Away from Low Vibe People, Part 2 (TMF:2393) - Daniel Litton
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       You see, the low vibe person is one who is filled with internal problems that haven’t been dealt with. Sometimes a person is aware they are low vibe, but usually they are not aware of it. Some in fact think that the whole Christian life is supposed to be low vibe. They’ll say, “We live in a sinful world. Things are bad. We aren’t supposed to be happy. We are supposed to sacrifice and suffer.” All they are seeing is the negative. They can’t see the positive no matter what you do. Again, it’s because this negativity is coming from the inside. It is what is on the inside that becomes our characters. How is that we aren’t supposed to live negatively, or supposed to sacrifice and suffer in our lives? Remember, the Apostle Paul told us in the Scriptures to think about good things. He made a very specific point of that. It doesn’t mean that we aren’t going to have problems. It doesn’t mean that everything will always be the way we want it. Yet even Paul, in the ways he put himself out there for the Gospel, being arrested and what not, still believed one should have positive thoughts. I mean, have you ever thought about that? If anyone had the ‘right’ to be negative it was Paul.