Deciding We Don’t Judge the Creator, Part 1 (TMF:2395)

Peace to Live By: Deciding We Don’t Judge the Creator, Part 1 (TMF:2395) - Daniel Litton
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       Probably one of the biggest temptations I have faced in my own life is to judge the Creator when bad things happen. I mean, it sounds so bad. “Why would you judge God for bad things that happen?” someone might ask. And I think my logic behind it always was that, “Well, God had the ability to prevent whatever it was. Therefore, God is at fault.” However, with that kind of mindset, we will quickly find ourselves at fault because God never is. Just because God has the ability to prevent things doesn’t mean he is at fault when bad things happen. Let’s think about this whole concept. God has given everyone the ability to make choices. We can choose to do this or that, for the good and even for the bad. I have come to the conclusion over many years of thinking about it that God is not at fault because he had limited himself (in a way we really cannot understand) to humans choices. What I mean is that God allows humans to make choices and he refuses to interfere with those choices. Understanding things that way makes much more sense.