Understanding Happiness as a Choice, Part 2 (TMF:2401)

Peace to Live By: Understanding Happiness as a Choice, Part 2 (TMF:2401) - Daniel Litton
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       The very essence of the feeling of wanting, whatever it is that we want, means that things are incomplete right now. Deep down in the realm of how things really are, we know that’s not true. Like I said, what really matters is that we are in right relationship with God. If I want a girlfriend, a house, a new car, a new computer, more friends, closer friends, whatever it is, then I am looking to the future for my happiness. I am saying, “I can’t be happy right now because things are not as ‘I want’ them to be.” That’s a bad place to be in really, and yet that’s where there’s the tendency for us to live. When we live too focused on this earth, and what we see with our eyes, we find that we have based our happiness in many temporary things. That’s what the carnal person, to use a Scriptural term, does. That’s what our ‘sin-nature’ wants us to do. We can base our entire happiness on things that may not be in the near future.