Learning from a Bad Experience, Part 1 (TMF:2413)

Peace to Live By: Learning from a Bad Experience, Part 1 (TMF:2413) - Daniel Litton
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       I wish there was a happiness point that I could present on how to never have a bad experience again, but we all know that’s just not possible, not as long as we are in our current world. So, we do have to deal with bad experiences. Nonetheless, it is true that we can learn from those experiences. Really, there are two different ways people can respond to them. One, people can become all upset and filled with self-pity, and then blame themselves or others, or even God, for the bad that has happened. Two, people can recognize that bad has happened, and after getting past the initial uncomfortable experience, decide they are going to form an investigation. They are going to try to understand the bad experience, and see if there is anything that can be done differently the next time, or if there is anything at all that can be learned. In the first approach, where we become all-upset and stay upset, really the problem is that we are self-righteous (that we are prideful) and that we perhaps love self-pity.